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The Expert's Kludge Corrective and I Love It When A Plan Comes Together refer to equipment with the "Unstable" tag, but there isn't one on the tag list, is it supposed to be Volatile or Deteriorating? Or something else? Thank you

Hi hi! I've made a Crew autosheet - though naturally it has stuff from the book - in case you'd be interested in me sharing it! Thank you!


Totally! Thank you!

Sweet! Should I just post it here, publish it or maybe DM you elsewhere? Thank you!


Posting here is fine for starters!

Sure thing! Here ya go!!


Hey! Loving the game, is there anything akin to printable character sheets? I have not find ones, only the spreadsheets.

Heya! Not yet, but it's on the to-do list.

Thank you for your answer! 

A rules question: problems are tracks, right? are problems rolled at any point? or why do they have a die size instead of just a number of boxes for the track? 

Problems are tracks, correct! You can roll for a problem whenever it makes sense to: if you spent a downtime activity to work on it, or did something during a job that would solve that problem. The use of "D6" and so forth to describe the size of them is just a quirk.


Great! So a D12 problem is a track with 12 boxes and doesn't imply a D12 would be rolled at any point, right?

Thank you so much for your answers. I'm hoping to run a game of Fathom soon, this is an amazing game!

You've got it exactly right. Thank you so much! 


Seeing as your system is modified version of two open license system, is it also open license? I'd love to use a modified version of Fathom, the mechanic, but less like ethereal conceptual eldritch zones and more like accidently slipping through digital layers in an augmented reality scape. 

Either way this book is an amazing read, going to send it a few peoples way, hopefully even get them to send a few bucks your way.   

Draven, I'm so sorry, I missed this comment back when you originally posted it. You're super welcome to adapt it! We'll probably include some language that spells that out in an update.


Hi I am also creating a game Fuled By The Resistance, but was making it longer form and was wondering if you guys would allow me to incorporate your Scar mechanic as a way to retire PCs. 

sure! have fun!


For clarification is advancing a problem is always increasing a problem by a single tic, while marking stress against a problem is always a roll?

advancing a problem and marking stress is functionally the same at this point. if there's a situation where you would make a single point of progress towards a problem then it usually says "mark 1 progress". But you could also wind up with situations (like working on a longterm problem) where you mark D6 progress (for example). Does that makes sense?

Yeah that makes sense I was thinking of the long term problem clock in the Alter Ego ability, so just it would still get the default progress dice roll with each use until it is complete if I'm understanding correctly

GREAT question, yes you're exactly right. This would just be a normal progress roll to a long term problem, and it would be useful for the ability text for Alter Ego to call that out. I'll make a note to adjust that so it's more clear in the next edition!

Hahaha I had the exact same question!


This is incredible, and I'm extremely frustrated that I can't seem to find a Let's Play or similar to see it in action! 

Question: In what order would you suggest a group to design the city, crew, and characters? 


Thank you!

Whenever I'm playing I make the city, and then the characters, and then the crew, although the discussion of what kind of crew people are interested in playing will usually come up during the character creation process.


Hi. Currently reading through this game, really excited to play it. Just wanted to say this is possibly the coolest fucking thing I have ever seen, and may have become my new favourite game. The writing is entirely spectacular and I'm cackling through the playbooks and I'm only three in.


incredibly kind of you to say. thank you. excited to hear what you think of playing it.


Hi, I have really been enjoying reading through the game.  Are there player sheets on google docs or was the note in the book future proofing?

Thank you! There will be an update going live EXTREMELY soon with a link to player sheets!

This is now available in the book's new Resources section!


Thank you so much for sharing this!  I absolutely love this setting and the classes you've developed - they're absolutely bursting with creativity, both from a flavor and a mechanical standpoint.  I'm definitely looking forward to reading future versions of the book, and to running a campaign of my own (once I can find enough players!).


thank you very much!

Deleted 1 year ago

Oh it does! Thank you!


I've recently come across this RPG through a meme on FitD posted on twitter... and down the rabbit hole I went, finished reading the PDF in two days. As a fan of urban fantasy, I am enthralled by the ideas and concepts presented in the book. Is there a living community I can join for advice on running Fathom or a place to post feedback on (as I want to try to run a one shot) ?


There's not a dedicated space for players just yet, I'm afraid. You can post any feedback you have here or mail me at mcleod dot brendan at gmail!


If you're looking to the comments to decide if you should try this game out or not, stop looking and download it now. Scroll up and click that damn button. If you need more reasons, here they are:

A. The game design is extremely clever. It's a combination of two great design paradigms in ways that complement the strength of both.  

B. The setting and premise are both really fun. This game engages with the genre trappings of urban fantasy in a way that I really enjoy, and it does an excellent job of making a weird cosmology that can reside within a space as big as a whole city or as small as the blink of an eye. 

C. The playbooks/classes are unique and flavorful. The Bends is the first one on the list, and it mechanizes being a shapeshifter having an identity crisis so well, I wish I could have thought of something half as good. The other ones made me feel the exact same way. 

D. As of when I'm writing this, this game is available for free. This game is available for free.  There is more than 300 pages of great content here, and it is well worth your time. It would absolutely be well worth your money too, and I cannot stress this enough: THIS GAME IS AVAILABLE FOR FREE.

Conclusion: Get this game. 


Thank you so much for your incredibly kind and thoughtful comment, so glad our game could inspire this kind of reaction!


This looks great! I will try to convince my friends to playtest it.

Best of luck on the development, Brendan!